Hogans Farm

The Ultimate Turkey Club

The Ultimate Turkey Club
Hogans Farm Turkey Club Special

  • 2 streaky bacon rashers
  • butter , for spreading
  • 3 slices of bread
  • 2 slices of Hogan’s Farm Carved Cooked Turkey Breast
  • A little mayonnaise & mustard
  • Lettuce leaves, shredded
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tomato sliced

Grill the bacon until crisp,  drain onto kitchen paper to soak excess fat

In a little oil, pre-heat pan on medium to high heat and fry egg to desired

  • Place Bread in toaster ( optional)
  • Butter one slice on one side, The cover with turkey,  1 slice of bacon, some lettuce, tomato with a little mayonnaise
  • Butter both sides of the next slice and place onto filled slice
  • Spread a little mustard on this side and , place the last slice of turkey, bacon, fried egg & top with lettuce and tomato, season with pepper
  • Butter the last slice of bread and place on top
  • This is the tasty gooey part – press down lightly on sandwich and slice in half

    Pepper to season.