Hogans Farm Hogans Farm Hogans Farm Hogans Farm Hogans Farm




On the 31st March – Faughan Foods lts. ( cooked meats division) was offically sold to and taken charge by O’Brien Fine Foods.
Although we will still be involved in certan aspects of the business to help through the transition phase. It was a day of mixed feelings for all at Hogan’s Farm and Faughan Foods as we not only said goodbye to a big part of our daily working lives but also a sad goodbye to some work colleagues that have been with us for over 20 years.

However, we are happy for all involved as we know the O’Brien Family will bring Fauhgan Foods business forward to bigger and better things as they grow and expand the business.

We wish all at O’Brien Fine Foods including John & Bill O’Brien the very best of luck in their new venture.

For us now, we are back to what we do best – Turkey Farming 🙂
