It’s coming to the end of November, and the whole place is a buzz with excitement and anticipation. Yes , Christmas is coming to the Farm. Christmas 2015 planning started as early as November last year for us!
The first of our birds to come in as newly born little chicks , just 1 day old are our Woodland Bronze. They land at our farm gate in the early hours of the morning and we place them inside their shed, that is all warm and toasty ready for their newest guests.
The Wooldland Bronze are the Oldest turkeys on our farm as they arrive early July, because they are a slower growing breed, they take longer to mature in time for Christmas. Next to arrive are our Heritage white turkeys and they are brought into their barns for rearing.
After 6 weeks our Bronze are slowly introduced to the outside world by Paul and his 3 little girls in tow to help him in do this. Every morning and night Paul and the girls go down to check in on them. Chatting to them as they walk around, you get some interesting gobble’s back from them!
It’s been a quick year , like we say every year ! We look forward to the extra 60 or so crew of staff that come and join us for the busy 5 week period to help with the Christmas rush. May of which have been coming for years, so it’s welcoming old friends back again.
As there is lots to be done this will be our last post for awhile! We wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas to you and your family .